Excel is not new to errors, as the toolbar has also been known to make a disappearing act at times. Still, if you desperately need to use this function, you’ll need a quick fix, and here is how this article comes in.

Why is the Excel stock data type not showing?

If you’re wondering why your Excel stock data type is not showing, below are some possible reasons:

Older version – This can occur if you use a workbook created in an older version of Excel. You may find that data types are not in Excel 2016 but are in newer versions. Add-ins – The problem may also occur if you have recently installed an add-in that changes how the stock data type is displayed.  App failure – Sometimes, apps are prone to failure, especially after a recent update. Microsoft servers – Most Microsoft products need to reach the server to load all functions. If there’s a problem reaching them, your Excel stock data type may not be showing. Expired subscription – You need a Microsoft 365 subscription to use Office products. If yours has expired, you may not have access to all features. Interrupted connection – If your network connection is experiencing issues, Excel will have trouble connecting to the Microsoft servers and hence can’t load the files. Incompatible data – It is also possible that the data you are trying to enter into your spreadsheet is not compatible with the Excel stock data type.

What can I do if Excel stock data type is not showing?

We advise that you check the following and ensure they are in place before trying out any advanced troubleshooting:

Ensure your Microsoft 365 subscription is current. Check your internet connection and ensure your speeds are optimal. Verify that Microsoft servers are running. Ensure you are using a version of Excel that is compatible with your version of Windows.  Check that you don’t have multiple versions of Microsoft Office installed on your computer. Finally, restart your PC to clear out any temporary files that may prevent the stock data type from showing.

1. Run Excel in Safe Mode

2. Use a VPN 

For users who might be in geo-restricted areas, using a VPN can help you bypass internet restrictions that may be blocking your Excel from reaching Microsoft servers. SPONSORED Check out our awesome recommendations for VPNs that can bypass any location restrictions. 

3. Disable Excel add-ins

4. Repair Microsoft Office 

5. Reinstall Microsoft Office

Also, uninstall any other versions of Microsoft Office and clean up any leftover software. Elsewhere, you may find difficulty scrolling through Excel. If so, check out our guide on how to restore smooth scrolling. While you are still here, find out why Excel only opens in Safe Mode and what to do about it. For any further inquiries, leave a comment down below.

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