Specifically, the wmpshare.exe is responsible for processes relating to Windows Media Player such as sharing media files. Subsequently, when the wmpshare.exe file fails to start or encounters problems after starting, your computer will report issues when you attempt to run a task associated with it. Sometimes the machine will give notifications or just display an error code on the screen. Interestingly, some users don’t understand the wmpshare.exe file and mistake it for malware. Others don’t know how to reply to prompts made by the application and will even attempt to stop it in the task manager. Well, this article is all about wmpshare.exe, its role, and how to troubleshoot errors it may cause in Windows.

Should I uninstall wmpshare.exe?

The file is found either in a subfolder in %PROGRAM_FILES% or as a subfolder in %WINDOWS% in C: based on the version of Windows you have installed.Then, as I earlier highlighted, this file belongs to Windows and contributes to the overall efficient execution of the operating system’s media player function. For this reason, uninstalling wmpshare.exe would be unwise- not unless everything else totally fails.

Common errors sssociated with WMPshare.exe

Here are some of the frequent errors brought about by the wmpshare.exe file and their possible interpretations:

Exe corrupt: This may mean that the file is damaged, for instance, by a malware. Exe- no disk: This likely indicates that the file service is still making references to a CD/DVD drive that’s no longer accessible. Controlled folder access blocked wmpshare.exe from carrying out changes to the folder “%userprofile%music”: This ‘bug’ appears when the file is blocked from accessing certain folders by controlled folder access. Library files archive bit reset by wmpshare.exe:  The library archive bit reset could be indicating that backups involving shared media files are encountering problems when run. Exe not responding: The app. is frozen perhaps due to stretched system resources. Exe – Application error: This may be resulting from bad code or insufficient memory when running it. Exe – Access denied: The antivirus maybe blocking the file, the file could be corrupted, or your user account may be lacking the rights to access the file. Exe- error: This may mean that the wmpshare.exe or a closely associated program is no longer installed in your computer.

How to fix wmpshare.exe errors

The file responds to the listed hitches variously. For example, wmpshare.exe can stop or repeatedly retry to execute your request. It may also seek to modify the faulty settings in the registry depending on the action it is supposed to accomplish. This explains why you often once in a while see error messages mentioning that wmpshare.exe is attempting to carry out changes to some folders. However, it doesn’t always succeed and it may take your intervention to fully resolve some of the critical wmpshare.exe issues. Let’s look at the steps that you can undertake to rectify the common mishaps:

Fix 1: Scan The System Files For Errors

The file may show this warning if it finds relevant files being corrupt. Here is what to do if you’re getting notifications that the file has been blocked from accessing the %userprofile%music folder by controlled folder access: Steps: In addition, you can run complete system scans using dedicated repairing tools for your PC. More exactly, scanning and fixing corrupted files can be done efficiently using Restoro.

Fix 2: Use DISM to Restore Health

DISM (Deployment Image Servicing & Management) tackles some of the file corruption challenges that the sfc tool may be unable to. Specifically, it uses Windows Update (thus it needs internet access) to repair corrupt system files. It’s recommended that you run the sfc /scannow before the DISM Restore Health commands.  Steps:                     DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Scanhealth                     DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth  Also, remember to allow each of the commands to run: 6. Close the command prompt and restart the computer.

Fix 3: Exit The Homegroup

Homegroups are networks of PCs created to easily share resources such as files (music, videos, pictures, documents, etc.) and printers among users. SPONSORED In Windows 7, the file relies on the existing HomeGroup sharing settings. You can therefore remove your computer from the HomeGroup and check to see if the problem will disappear. Steps:

Fix 4: Turn Off Controlled Folder Access

Controlled folder access enhances protection against malware targeting Windows. The feature’s role inspects apps before they are allowed to access files residing in protected folders such as wmpshare.exe. Unfortunately, this powerful feature sometimes prevents wmpshare.exe from operating properly resulting in random errors. You can either allow wmpshare.exe through or Turn off the property entirely. How to let wmpshare.exe through: If allowing the file through still refuses to work, consider turning off controlled folder access permanently. How to turn off Controlled folder access:

Fix 5: Run System Restore

Changing the settings of Windows could interfere with the normal running of wmpshare.exe sparking errors. If you have just undertaken some significant modifications, attempt to roll back such changes by restoring Windows to its previous condition. This will, hopefully, stop the error. Steps: 

Fix 6: Download and install the latest Windows Update

Microsoft is constantly releasing updated files for all its Windows operating systems. Now, a wmpshare bug may occur because your system is out of date. You thus need to download and install the latest Windows updates to eliminate a stubborn issue. Steps:

Fix 7: Scan For Viruses

Hiccups from the file are at times generated by malicious programs like Trojan horses and worms. Scanning your computer for malware infections could hence save you from endless frustrations caused by the wmpshare file. The steps will depend on the antivirus you have installed.

Fix 8: Disable The Network Sharing Service In Windows Media Player

The Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service facilitates the sharing of music among network computers and/or devices. You can opt to disable the service and see how your system reacts as you seek a lasting solution especially where you rarely cross-share music files. Steps: This temporarily halts the service unless and could fix your snags. 

Fix 9: How To Recover A Missing/Damaged Wmpshare.Exe File

There’s always a probability of your operating system failing to locate the wmpshare.exe file, for example when it prints the message “cannot find wmpshare.exe” on the screen.  Now, a damaged/missing wmpshare.exe file is more involved to remedy. Indeed, it mostly takes a fresh installation of your Windows operating system to appropriately restore the file (and eliminate the current challenge). Here is how to reinstall Windows 10.

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